Choosing client certificate in browser

asked 2014-06-27 10:35:35 +0200

lomo gravatar image

updated 2014-06-27 10:41:29 +0200

I've successfully imported CA certificate and personal certificate into browser (using developer mode). Unfortunately when accessing the site, a new browser windows with certificate selection opens, but it's zoomed and can't be zoomed out. I guess there is button to choose/accept the client certificate but it can't be reached, sice zooming out does not work on this page.

I've got same issues with about:config url in browser.

Anyone experiencing same behavior?

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This looks like a client certificate dialog box known from the desktop firefox. Because the browser may have more than one client certificate it asks for the right one for the first time if you remember this decision (dialog box). Maybe the certificate ended up in the wrong store: client certificates and not trust center.

cy8aer ( 2014-06-27 15:18:49 +0200 )edit

Yes it is. Question remains why can't I "zoom out" in this dialog?

I've been able to do an workaround by adding user_pref("security.default_personal_cert", "Select Automatically"); to .mozilla/mozembed/user.js

lomo ( 2014-06-27 15:23:47 +0200 )edit

Well that's the default gecko dialog for it. I guess someone would need to hook into it and make it QMLed. Atm I'll be solving this via having a separate cert8.db etc... for each cert I want to use and use shellex for a script to change from one to the other.

ruskie ( 2014-07-02 15:05:35 +0200 )edit

Well this is what I did(using the user.js workaround here)...

I've setup a directory for all my certificate stores: mkdir /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/.certstores

Then created one dir for each certificate I want to use: mkdir /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/.certstores/nemomkdir /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/.certstores/empty

Then created a cert store there(using nss-tools): certutil -N -d /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/.certstores/nemocertutil -N -d /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/.certstores/empty

Then using pk12util imported just that one single cert I want to use into the nemo cert store... pk12util -i ~/cert1.p12 -d /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/.certstores/nemo

Then have a script that will copy: /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/.certstores/nemo/* to /home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed/

Part 2 in the next comment...

ruskie ( 2014-07-03 13:04:01 +0200 )edit

And I call that script from shellex...

Simplistic script would be something like this: #!/bin/bash STORE="$1" BASEDIR="/home/nemo/.mozilla/mozembed" CERTSTORES="$BASEDIR/.certstores" cp -f $CERTSTORES/$STORE/* $BASEDIR/ exit

And call it with: scriptname nemo to load the nemo store and empty to load the empty store

ruskie ( 2014-07-03 13:04:11 +0200 )edit