Option to force Google Calendar synchronization with Jolla

asked 2014-06-29 21:52:46 +0200

Nux gravatar image

Sometimes calendars are not synchronized correctly (I'm mostly using Google Calendar). So it would nice to be able to force synchronization.

To be more exact I'd like to have a pulley menu option that would:

  1. Get all events for currently selected month.
  2. Delete old entries on Jolla calendar.
  3. Add new entries from external calendars to Jolla calendar.
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That's not it. Most synchronization problems comes from the fact that I sometimes add or remove events in Google Calender when my Jolla is offline. I think in the long run there is no other way then to just allow users to force synchronization for certain time span.

Nux ( 2014-07-01 03:20:33 +0200 )edit