Vote for Hotfix [not relevant]

asked 2014-07-16 10:48:32 +0300

Nacho Balloony gravatar image

updated 2014-12-01 20:37:00 +0300

simo gravatar image

So i updated on monday my Jolla to On 14th of every mont my data volumen of my network provider is always renewed. Since 1.0.7 Jolla ate up my whole data volumen in a few days. This behaviour is still in! I turned mobile data off and waited for the update and expected that this problem was due to the change of the network stack.

My use case is: Home (my own WLAN) -> walk to work (20 mins.) -> Work (Company WLAN). I have always turned on WLAN and mobile Data connection.

So the mobile Data volume was renewed on Monday and i updated my Jolla and turned mobile data on again. Today, there are only 65MB of 300MB left for the rest of the Month until 14.8.14. I turned mobile data off to keep the rest. My provider is O2 Germany. Settings have been always the same since i got my Jolla in January.

I also had to delete and readd my GMX-Imap Mailaccount to get it work again. Since my update to 1.0.7 it was broken. The readded account seemed to fix my UI freezes. I did not have a single freeze of apps since i readded the account yesterday. On monday the freezes where still there, they might correlate to the messageserver5 process, which was on top of the process list in lighthouse when the freezes occured.

New features in new releases are nice, but i consider the network problems in 1.0.7 and 1.0.8 more relevant for a smartphone.

Please fix this soon, i can't wait 2 Month for the next update/fix.

Is there a chance to get a fix bevore September?

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by ibins
close date 2014-07-21 10:10:10.214588



Hm, I guess a "hotfix" of any kind depends on knowing what to fix. I only have meager 50 MB, and I know exactly, that all of my traffic is caused by me on purpose. Therefore I doubt, that SailfishOS causes your uncontolled traffic. Maybe it would be useful to analyse your traffic. On are applications for that (wireshark, tcpdump). Another more simple approach would be to close the applications, that could possibly cause that traffic and watch, if your data limit is reached then.

ibins ( 2014-07-16 11:05:58 +0300 )edit

I am confused, my bahaviour/Apps didn't changed since 1.0.5. The only candidate which could cause the traffic is Threema. I uses this as SMS replacement. Again with 1.0.5 i had no problems. The data consumption appeard with 1.0.7. Settings for mobile data are: prefer 3G, no MMS, no roaming, choose network automatically

Nacho Balloony ( 2014-07-16 11:14:44 +0300 )edit

If you are not familiar with wireshark or tcpdump, then you could investigate, if your WLAN router maybe has such debugging functionality. Some routers can analyse the amount and type of traffic. It would at least give a hint, wheater the traffic is related to only 3G or not. My guess is, that one application causes the traffic (e.g. automatically reloading web site in browser, retries of failing mail account...)

ibins ( 2014-07-16 11:38:56 +0300 )edit

Is there a log-file on my Jolla to find this information?

Nacho Balloony ( 2014-07-16 11:43:58 +0300 )edit

Definitelly not - as it would record all your traffic ;-) You can create such a "log" called trace with the tools wireshark or tcpdump. Or - as meantioned - your WLAN router could eventually trace the traffic.

ibins ( 2014-07-16 12:06:42 +0300 )edit