SD-Card access via USB is needed [released]
When a Jolla phone is connected to a PC it would be nice to access the SD card inside the device as a mass storage device, this would make transferring files to and from the card much much easier.
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
When a Jolla phone is connected to a PC it would be nice to access the SD card inside the device as a mass storage device, this would make transferring files to and from the card much much easier.
You can make a symbolic link of sdcard directory to your home directory via Jolla Terminal. All you need to do is enable developer mode, open terminal and run commands:
cd ~
ln -s /run/user/100000/media/sdcard .
This it what shows when Jolla is connected via USB to Windows 7:
(Source: JollaSuomi forum)
This works great for me except Windows doesn't show correctly files and folders that have Finnish/Swedish letters (äöå) in their names. It shows folders as empty and also seemed to create duplicate dummy folders. There is no problem if the card is connected to PC via card reader.
hana ( 2013-12-29 22:58:02 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-28 20:08:03 +0200
Seen: 1,700 times
Last updated: Dec 29 '13
MicroSD as removable drive in Windows [released]
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I'm surprised this isn't actually the case, it's so much easier!
Vinyl ( 2013-12-28 20:16:24 +0200 )editThis has been asked a few times already :) Please use the search and make sure you select 'ALL'
tiemen ( 2013-12-28 20:19:29 +0200 )editHi tiemen, I've seen them but none of them asked for a mass storage mounting of an SD card. 2 of them are bug reports and other 2 ask for file transfer to phone they mention nothing about the SD card.
Mariusmssj ( 2013-12-28 20:25:51 +0200 )editIt could be more convenient than currently. At least faster than typing in terminal for copy/paste/move ;)
juju_des_highlands ( 2013-12-29 00:16:24 +0200 )editMariusmssj: here , here .
Something for usb-masstorage is prepared in usb-moded on git ..
Kaacz ( 2013-12-29 00:46:57 +0200 )edit