how to remove application settings in uninstallation? [duplicate]
How does one remove (or clean) application settings? I had some apps installed and their settings tuned. After removing the apps, I decided to go back to some of them and re-installed. They still had the old settings and therefore were not "clean" or "fresh" installs. Shoudn't the uninstall procedure take care of the settings as well? Don't these consume storage space?
i think it's app dependant. It's up to app developer to create proper unistalation scripts (or whatever you call it). Never the less, app setiings are usually stored in home directory: ~/local/share/harbour-[app name]/, you can try and find your app there with file browser and just delete it after uninstall. But be careful, you should defenetely understand what you are doing =)
virgi26 ( 2014-07-27 22:57:05 +0200 )editIs this a duplicate of If so, please close and vote and comment there.
Neo ( 2014-07-27 23:43:40 +0200 )edit