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Trigger the "Select Internet Connection" dialog from qml

asked 2014-07-31 21:33:26 +0200

pa4wdh gravatar image

updated 2014-07-31 21:33:49 +0200

HI All,

I"m writing my first app where i download some information from the internet, i used the javascript XMLHttpRequest class for that, and in the emulator it works fine. When i run it on the real device i expected this to trigger the "Select internet connection" dialog where the user can select a mobile data or wlan connection, but this didn't happen and the download failed if there was no connection available. Then i found this message: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12439379/no-internet-popup-qt-qml-mobile-devices I made the changes to my cpp file and removed the ConnectInBackground setting as suggested in a reply to the message, and expected the dialog to pop up whenever i start the app. Also this didn't work.

How do i trigger this dialog from QML ?

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2 Answers

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answered 2014-08-01 10:32:23 +0200

Sthocs gravatar image

Hello. Normally, simply doing the request should trigger it. I remember that it was the case before update 2 or 3 I think. But since then, you have to run the request a second time for the popup to appear. Try it, the popup should appear (like in the Tidings app for example, you need to hit "refresh" 2 times).

I see that as a bug and I hope that it will be fixed in a future Sailfish version.

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One of my functions that uses XMLHttpRequest is triggered by a button on the screen, i've tried to push it several times, but it still doesn't give the connection dialog.

Lets hope this is a bug and it will be fixed soon.

pa4wdh ( 2014-08-03 19:32:54 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-08-01 12:02:17 +0200

kimmoli gravatar image

You can make a call over dbus to request showing the popup, com.jolla.lipstick.ConnectionSelectorIf.openConnection

iirc it also emits signal when the popup is closed.

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I've tried this, but it didn't work (maybe because i'm very unfamiliar with dbus), i simply couldn't get any running code. Do you have an example on how to make such a call ? I've already added "QT += dbus" to my project file and included QtDbus in my cpp file.

Thanks in advance.

pa4wdh ( 2014-08-03 19:35:10 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-07-31 21:33:26 +0200

Seen: 421 times

Last updated: Aug 01 '14