Don't enforce focus to textfield [answered]
Browsing on sites with auto-focused text fields (like Together) is a bit hard because search box gets autofocus. This enforces browser to show virtual keyboard which takes half of the screen estate.
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Browsing on sites with auto-focused text fields (like Together) is a bit hard because search box gets autofocus. This enforces browser to show virtual keyboard which takes half of the screen estate.
Well, beacuse it is my browser and I want to use it with my preferred way, the client app can and should have options to configure their behaviour to user's likings and not the websites.
Here is a snippet applicable to Mozilla/Gecko engines to define security policies to disable form focusing tthat is enforcable from client-side. So as web pages can automatically focus a form when a page load, this can be disabled for specific sites doing this:
user_pref("capability.policy.policynames", "nofocus");
user_pref("capability.policy.nofocus.sites", "");
user_pref("capability.policy.nofocus.HTMLInputElement.focus", "noAccess");
And @Artem, regarding to your comment that "sites should be allowed to decide where my focus in the page is", I fully disagree. It is is the user/browser who should have the authority to decide this.
Just my 2 cents to this discussion ;)
Is there a default CSS file, or something where I could paste those lines? Useful for those of us that do not want the web page to decide focus.
00prometheus ( 2014-03-21 01:28:14 +0200 )editI think this is a bug with the "together" site, rather than the browser. The site is applying focus to the search input field with javascript. If the (now standard) html5 way of applying focus (<input type="search" placeholder="foo" autofocus>
) is used, then the field still receives focus (and is useful on desktop browsers), but on the phone the keyboard isn't immediately displayed.
I agree, answer does not solve the question. This auto-focus thing is problematic also with other pages which sets focus automatically. One example is where site is almost unusable because of auto-focus. I think some browser based fix should be done.
Joni ( 2014-01-07 08:53:34 +0200 )editThat is indeed annoying at together, however, not showing keyboard on text field focus is wrong and actually even technically difficult as modern web sites can set focus to this or that field whenever they want. Sites should be allowed to decide when they want to have a text input focused and a good touchscreen browser should show keyboard then.
The better solution IMHO is to:
Realize that focusing on the input field right away is actually not the best practice in general and stop doing it at Together
Let the user hide the keyboard easily (e.g. by swiping down). At the moment the only way to close it is to click on the non-active web-page space and on many websites including Together there's almost none non-active whitespace.
Are you @Artem seriously saying that sites can do whatever they wish with users browser? And you even claim that this is somehow a W3C-recommendation..!? The problem is more on sites that use non-standard (and malicious) ways to do things with the browser, and for this browsers can enfotce and mplement securites to prevent this. (e.g. blocking ads etc.)
foss4ever ( 2013-12-27 03:54:02 +0200 )editIf e.g. ads-sites keep pushing stuff to user/browser but are being technically compliant to W3C-recommendations, don't you think that users should still be allowed to opt-out and disable things happening in their browser if it is either, a privacy or security concern, makes site's usablity worse, or completly makes the site unfunctional, or simply is something that the user does not want?
foss4ever ( 2013-12-27 04:06:53 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2013-12-24 21:18:45 +0200
Seen: 1,241 times
Last updated: Jan 07 '14
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i was just thinking same thing... thanx for bringin this up...
Miki ( 2013-12-24 22:12:14 +0200 )editYeah I keep hitting space to page down on desktop and failing
sp3000 ( 2013-12-24 23:17:10 +0200 )editI also try to scroll down with down-arrow, which doesn't work because of this.
pnuu ( 2013-12-25 17:15:14 +0200 )editTried Together with the phone, and as the keyboard will auto-open, there's not much space left on the screen.
pnuu ( 2013-12-26 14:49:04 +0200 )editI had filed a similar issue -- . I think this is more browser related than website, as N9 (or iPhone..) do not have this behavior.
Hess ( 2013-12-26 15:46:56 +0200 )edit