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Inkcase integration (or similar separate e-ink display to use with Jolla)

asked 2014-08-08 12:11:41 +0200

tokaru gravatar image

I recently stumbled across the kickstarter campaign for Inkcase Plus and actually like the concept of the separate e-ink display, which can also be attached to the device (facing to the inside or outside).

I assume that the product would not work with Jolla out-of-the-box, at least not in a way that Sailfish apps could interact with the display (I don't think there is a way to send intents from Sailfish into the Android environment, or is there?)

Anyway, I think it is a great idea, and I would love to see a "FitCase" Other Half (similar to the FitCases they offer) and full support for the device.

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I like the idea of a e-ink other half

MacManus ( 2014-08-08 12:18:49 +0200 )edit

@MacManus FYI, there's another request for having an Other Half with integrated e-ink display. Personally, I find the flexibility of InkCase's concept even more appealing.

tokaru ( 2014-08-08 12:24:55 +0200 )edit

@tokaru yeah! Thanks!

MacManus ( 2014-08-08 13:34:02 +0200 )edit

As a person who has to stare for 8 hours a day into LCD screens, I would love to have a other half with e-ink or at least separate e-ink screen.

asgeirr ( 2014-10-30 12:21:52 +0200 )edit

This would be a nice extension for me as well. Therefore I described it as a dream OH for me here... https://together.jolla.com/question/17129/poll-the-other-half-of-your-dreams/?answer=76575#post-id-76575

M.Bln. ( 2015-01-27 01:47:25 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2014-10-29 23:39:26 +0200

hook gravatar image

updated 2014-10-29 23:48:17 +0200

Someone has already been working on an e-ink TOH and there is a blog post about the prototype on JollaUsers.

He hasn’t updated the thread since May, but there’s quite a few info in the TOHeink thread on Maemo forums – it seems to be the best source for updates on this TOH.

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Asked: 2014-08-08 12:11:41 +0200

Seen: 550 times

Last updated: Oct 29 '14