QAudioDecoder support missing
While doing test-code preparation for FM transmitter (yes, another TOH project), i would like to use something Qt based to decode audio-files to raw data in memory (to be sampled to DAC over I2C). ofc i could test with some pre-raw data, but...
And QAudioDecoder seems to be good option for that
The QAudioDecoder class allows decoding audio.
The QAudioDecoder class is a high level class for decoding local audio media files. It is similar to the QMediaPlayer class except that audio is provided back through this API rather than routed directly to audio hardware, and playlists and network and streaming based media is not supported.
I started with example "Decoding Compressed Audio to Memory" foiund here
But when trying to use it, i get following in console:
[W] QPluginServiceProvider::requestService:383 - defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.audiodecode" says decoding supported in GStreamer platforms (?)
Is there plans to support this audio decode support, or is there other way to do this with GStreamer or other?
i found following only:
coderus ( 2014-08-17 01:23:31 +0200 )editok, installed that, it was not installed
Now, i get different warning
kimmoli ( 2014-08-17 01:34:21 +0200 )editIt's a pity that the FM transmitter in the hardware is disabled/not connected, then there would be no need for a ToH for that.
dthierbach ( 2014-09-15 11:55:28 +0200 )edit