[bug] Sailfish keeps asking for connection with gps

asked 2014-08-17 10:40:22 +0200

RobNas gravatar image

When I have no internet connection, for example, in a foreign country, the system is constantly asking for connection, for example, when navigating. Navigating is useless this way, because the gui is every 5 seconds covered with the system request. I haen't found the option to use gps without network-based information.

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I doubt that there is a real GPS in Jolla - I mean a GPS that relies on satellites. It appears to me that the positioning system works with mobile networks only, so you always need a mobile data connection.

barral ( 2014-08-19 15:18:03 +0200 )edit

There is a "real" gps in there that works with satelites.... Use a gps status app and you will see. But yeah this bug is pretty annoying for me as well.

Rin Kaenbyou ( 2014-08-19 20:38:20 +0200 )edit