Can delivery reports be added to the group SMS threads?

asked 2014-09-22 15:40:21 +0200

markcoley gravatar image

After sending a group SMS to say, Tom, Dick and Harry, 4 conversations are listed, three individual ones and one group one. Currently, delivery reports are only shown on individual threads. I think it would be useful to replicate the information alongside the group thread to save hunting through lots of threads. Examples of information supplied could be:

All sent, none delivered.
All delivered.
Delivered to Tom only so far. [if 1/3 are delivered]
Delievered to everyone except Dick. [if 2/3 are delivered]

For anything up to 3 or 4 names the above could be used. For larger groups:

All sent, none delivered.
3/15 delivered.
14/15 delivered.
12 pending.
1 pending.)
All delivered.
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