2015-02-21 15:33:23 +0200
I'd say SailfishOS apps are more secure and privacy-aware in Jolla than the droid/Google-ware.
I wouldn't trust any android-solution (Google Play Service or AlienDalvik based) in Jolla for security or privacy-aware apps. Also, my trust on F-Secure has greatly diminished lately because of the Younited fiasco by which the service never came available natively for #SailfishOS and now the service has IMO been sold and servers will be hosted under U.S.-based company and located also there eventually - for directly accessible for NSA/GCHQ surveillance practises and data collection.
For secure and privacy-aware key/password/private info store and solution I've been using native ownKeePass app for Jolla/SailfishOS and it works fine/securely in Jolla phone and enables sharing of the key-store too, so that the keys can be used in other platforms too. You can get the latest version from OpenRepos and additionally the developer very actively develops the app further and actively responds to feedback :)
Edit: link to the source-code of OwnKeepass for all those who don't trust the indepedent developers that submit cool apps to the OpenRepos SailfishOS repository:
I have Key installed. When started it propted to create master password which I did, and then I got message stating 'Unfortunately, F-Secure Key has stopped.' And there's OK button. Tried couple times to run KEY but with the same result.
So it seems it's a no-go at this time =(
MikaN ( 2014-10-07 18:00:17 +0200 )editNot sure about security, my guess KEY keeps everything on the server and transfers data in encrypted form. At least i found nothing in file system except log file. From that point of view see no difference between android app and native sailfish if appears. And KEY works fine with me on Jolla (however i don't use all functionality). All passwords are synced with my other devices, premium subscription was purchased from desktop. Version 2.0.16. There was an issue with some previous version, but not only for Jolla.
SergeiStPete ( 2014-10-07 18:48:31 +0200 )edit@SergeiStPete, how did you install Key? I used APK downloader and got Key from, but it's not working. 'Unfortunately, F-Secure Key has stopped.' is all I get... I purchased premium, but how to enable it.
MikaN ( 2014-10-08 20:13:45 +0200 )edit@MikaN, i installed it few months ago from Goggle Play, when the KEY only appeared, after that only updated it. Premium was always purchased from desktop. There were problems from version to version with sync, but at least it works on Jolla. With current version i cant connect another device from Jolla, but sync works even if KEY shows Free key. Google play also installed long ago, dont use apk directly.
SergeiStPete ( 2014-10-08 23:48:35 +0200 )edit@SergeiStPete, I installed Key again, this time without APK downloader. Now it seems to work partly. I logged to my account and synchronised my devices, this far it works. But I can't copy/paste usernames/passwords from Key to Browser. Key says 'password copied to clipboard' but I can't paste it to other app. I think we need native Sailfish app...
MikaN ( 2014-10-10 09:59:25 +0200 )edit