SDK : add a way to reset a ValueButton to a default value
I think it would be cool if you could add a defaultValue property to ValueButton, and a way to reset ValueButton.value to that defaultValue.
For example, let's say you have an app where a user CAN chose to set a deadline for something. He presses the ValueButton, which brings a DatePickerDialog up. The user choses a date and validates : everything's OK. But now, let's say the user changes in mind and he wants to remove this deadline. With a simple ValueButton, he just can't :(
I personnaly fixed this by adding a defaultValue property of type variant in my ValueButtons. For now, I'm also using the onPressAndHold event handler to reset value to defaultValue.
I think it could be cool to add this (or something similar that might fit better) in the official ValueButton component.