2014-07-31 11:44:24 +0200
This post is a wiki.
Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
While we wait for official printing support there is a workaround to print any file from Jolla via command line, here's a step-by-step guide:
The first step is to enable developer mode, generate a password and then open the command line.
To print we need to install the Cups printing daemon, unfortunately the installation is not straightforward due to some pre-systemd dependencies in the cups rpm package that are not satisfied by any package in the repo.
We can start installing the dependencies that are available:
devel-su pkcon install cups-libs acl poppler-utils tmpwatch
after that we have provide the files /sbin/chkconfig and /sbin/service. I am not sure if this step is necessary but I wrote two small scripts that convert chkconfig and service syntax in systemd calls.
Download them ( - into /home/nemo, make them executable:
chmod +x /home/nemo/
chmod +x /home/nemo/
and link them in place:
devel-su ln -s /home/nemo/ /sbin/chkconfig
devel-su ln -s /home/nemo/ /sbin/service
Once the dependencies are installed we can install cups. We have to download the package first
pkcon download . cups
and then we can force its installation ignoring the missing dependencies
devel-su rpm -i --force --nodeps cups*.rpm
Now cups is installed, we can configure our printer through the webinterface.
Cups will ask to log in to the system and since, apparently, the group lpadmin is not created we have to log in with the user root, to do so you might need to set a root password:
devel-su su
Once the printer is set up we can start printing. To do so we need to add the user nemo to the lp group:
devel-su usermod -a -G lp nemo
and then we can print any file with this command:
lp -d printerName -o fit-to-page fileName
I know it is not straightforward to print via command line but it works fine.
Enjoy printing!
Would be a cool feature :).
Sailor ( 2013-12-29 16:54:41 +0200 )editThat would be nice and of course bluetooth printing too
Wizah ( 2013-12-29 16:57:25 +0200 )edithah, I was looking yesterday if this feature is available already in Jolla :D
yanoo ( 2013-12-29 20:38:30 +0200 )editExactly the same here, wanted it yesterday :-) A cups installation with a print button in a lot of applications (Documents, Calendar, Email, Gallery).
hullabaluh ( 2014-02-05 12:08:39 +0200 )editWanted to print something today, but then forgot that the device can't do it. Was already about to open a feature request, but then I saw this. So have an upvote instead!
Also wanted to propose device auto-discovery whenever you want to print something, similar to how printing to a networked printer works on Android.
ziller ( 2014-03-12 20:56:17 +0200 )edit