2014-11-13 21:28:57 +0200
13973 ●68 ●61 ●55
The Android runtime has access to _some_ private data, most importantly contacts. The access there is read only, and only a subset of the contacts database (contacts from services like Facebook are excluded) is made available to the Android runtime. It also has access to files in the home directory (to use pictures, videos, ... from Android apps), where the full access level depends on the "world" permissions of the file -- so usually it's only read only access.
Additional interfaces which _might_ be counted towards "private data" are gps/agps, some parts of SIM information, and the list of available WIFI networks. Access to network information is read only as well.
Interfaces like "make a call" or "send an SMS" from Android can't be counted here -- they're going through xdg-open, and end up in native applications, where the user needs to confirm any action before it happens.
TL;DR: We're trying to keep as much data as possible from the Android runtime, what currently is available is required for the applications the majority of users want to use to work. We are currently working on a settings interface where some aspects of the runtime can be configured (including privacy settings, like contact access), to make more privacy-aware users comfortable with using Android applications as well. We don't have an ETA for this yet, though.
What data do you mean exactly?
juiceme ( 2014-10-16 12:46:54 +0200 )editI believe Android rights management is the matter. E.g.: 1. Can Android Apps read Jolla contacts? 2. Can Android Apps activate GPS? 3. Can Android Apps access your account data stored in SailfishOS?
And so on...
ramoth ( 2014-10-16 18:51:10 +0200 )editThanks Ramoth. Indeed esp contacts, email, calendar, documents, personal settings and account. I know they can read GPS data. It is very worrying that there is still no answer.
wim de vries ( 2014-10-26 09:46:26 +0200 )editEvenmore, why is a GOOD app like Syncevolution not allowed in the harbour store. This disables us a secure use of private data synchronization eg with Owncloud. We are now forced to use (unsecure pirate) services like Google.
wim de vries ( 2014-10-26 09:51:59 +0200 )editInteresting question...
JonnJonz ( 2014-11-07 23:25:35 +0200 )edit