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Monthly community improvements desired

asked 2014-11-01 14:00:46 +0200

cvp gravatar image

dear Jolla team. We all thank you for the effort of the improvements of the operating system.

One or the other is depressed, something that just does not come because of overriding some programs or settings. There are the simple hire as improvement of phone, calendar, chat, camera and other system apps. Of course, you try a lot of bugs to fix at the same time. But I and some others have the feeling that the system is not perfect. Of course! No system is perfect!

What I want to suggest so now is the following: 1) Give us the community to tell you which program is to be improved in the next update. 2) We would try to build among us the optimal program for our needs together. Whether it is to improve the representation or improved logic control. Or functions that are missing. Simplify the function of our life :) 3) and her then they met in the next update.


1) voting begins. It then selects as the following programs: Phone, Calendar, Contacts, Camera, Email, SMS, Browser, Gallery, Media, Notes, Terminal, Settings, Desktop, etc.

2) After about one or two weeks then the voting is finished. If, for example, Phone App voted. We make on a thread and try within 1-2 weeks our needs from design, function and also the settings according to our wishes to implement.

3) You will then try to implement it so we we wanted it.

I bet that would please everyone!

Sorry if my English is difficult to understand. But I hope I have understood me!

And what you say from the community? and what you say Jolla team? Would that be possible to implement?

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Unless we normal users are proved better developers and have o more in depth knowledge of the SailfishOS I think your suggestion can destroy rather than improve the OS. It's good for us to tell what are our priorities, but you must understand that you don't know the road to get there (how to code them based on current code base, upcoming modules already in the pipeline, external open source contributions roadmaps to consider etc...) hence you must thrust the drivers.

Titanium ( 2014-11-01 14:32:17 +0200 )edit

Isn't the whole thing about together.jolla exactly that what you are talking about? We can rate every comment or suggestion, the higher the rate the more urgent the developers try to implement these things. ??

Jolkas ( 2014-11-01 14:45:47 +0200 )edit

if community members think they can do a better job than the Jolla apps, then get developing!

Thats more or less why I started writing SirenSong, instead of complaining about the media app I put my money where my mouth is.

It would be nice if all the Jolla apps were open source so we xan contribute directly. but I am sure they have their reasons to keep them closed off

r0kk3rz ( 2014-11-02 00:22:21 +0200 )edit

@r0kk3rz: Yeah, more or less the same thing for me with modRana. :)

MartinK ( 2014-11-02 19:54:57 +0200 )edit

3 Answers

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answered 2014-11-02 14:36:13 +0200

dsilveira gravatar image

updated 2014-11-02 14:39:21 +0200

I think you identified the problem correctly, but your solution is not the best as it brings chaos to the whole process. Even a free software project, to be successfull needs good governance, and I'm sure Jolla won't give that position up easily.

The optimal solution is to just open source the whole thing, and let us - the community, hack together thus bringing everyone's priorities (Jolla's and the community's - which are definately different) into focus.

Unfortunately, as we've seen, Jolla is not willing to open source a lot of things, at this time. I'm sure they have their reasons, and one can only hope that this can change quickly, but until they do, I believe that you are indeed onto something...

Taking into account your proposal, the rejection of the optimal solution, and the governance issue, I propose a variation of your proposal, that I believe could be a big improvement on the current situation:

  • Jolla could (of course) keep their own development priorities, which are a bit misterious, but that's ok, because we don't know the whole story.
  • jolla could spare us a couple of developers, or even recruit from the community, which would, for each update, from the most voted topics on tjc, select an area to work on (it could be an app, or a cross-app issue), opening a wiki-question, with their own compilation of topics from tjc, related to that area, allowing the community to add additional topics, and to vote on the most urgent. Those would then get implemented for the next update, moving us forward each update.
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answered 2014-11-06 15:07:59 +0200

simo gravatar image

One monthly improvement was introduced and decided on Sailfish OS OSS collaborative meeting, November 4th 2014:


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I personally won't consider this question closed, until I've seen the result, since we're still waiting for update since September (still opt-in, not very stable).

If next month we start to see the top voted topics on the hot question released in an update, and the other month after that it happens again, I'll consider myself convinced that Jolla is indeed taking user-priorities into serious consideration

dsilveira ( 2014-11-06 19:34:07 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-11-02 10:14:31 +0200

cvp gravatar image

updated 2014-11-02 10:15:37 +0200

@Titanium, It is not about to "better" to program or have any programming knowledge. @Jolkas, Not really. You're writing what you would like to have. The answer is then, we consider and implement it "maybe" to. @r0kk3rz, nice for the person you can the programming. But I think that's not right. Then we move slowly in the range Android. Apps Apps and more than a thousand different.

There are things such as e.g. Phone app:

  • Numbers in Call History displays
  • Complete call history a person displaying
  • Exact time specified in the call history (even before days / weeks)
  • Numeric keypad to the right swipe to call to annonym
  • Numeric keypad to the left swipe to SIP Call function to use Merge contacts with XMPP accounts -
  • Accept call with recording
  • Rufaufnahme during a call
  • 3G Video Call

I could go and go. And with any standard app. And I bet the other members are ideas available. Why not simply deny each other and try to integrate suitable for all and show Jolla, so we want it like to have. We want to implement it so the next update. And that makes one of app to app. Jolla is quite determined using 1-2 programmers to enforce the order. Therefore, intensive only one app working. And that is why even an app per month.

IMPORTANT: I realize that all determined not ALL desired functions can be built. But at least for the most part. Thus, you get at least a feeling that it really goes forward

EDIT: Sorry I've written it as an answer. Wanted to post it as a commentary

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You are asking for too much democracy, imho. I think that if we, the normal people, elect our representatives, the Jolla sailors, to listen our priorities and define the best roadmap to get them is a much robust approach than what can result in an incoherent in features and time, confusing, externally (hostile competitors) manipulable approach. For those not satisfied by the upcoming results there is the proved apps way. Perhaps untill now I'm very happy with choices that Jolla took. Sure, there are things not yet there but it's a matter of time and resources not lack of vision.

Titanium ( 2014-11-02 13:29:49 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-11-01 14:00:46 +0200

Seen: 517 times

Last updated: Nov 06 '14