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Alien Dalvik in busyloop

asked 2014-11-08 10:53:19 +0200

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updated 2014-11-08 10:53:19 +0200

MikkoM gravatar image

I noticed that my battery was draining too fast. With top I saw that system_server was eating all of the available CPU time, which explained battery draining. After that I noticed that android apps were not starting at all. With powertop I noted following:

Usage Events/s Category Description 569,5 ms/s 50,2 Process system_server

with a strace I saw that one thread was doing this kind of thing, which looks like a spinloop activity: 12038 ioctl(118, FIONREAD <unfinished &lt;...="" ...&gt;="" 12038="" ioctl="" resumed=""> , [0]) = 0 12038 read(118, <unfinished &lt;...="" ...&gt;="" 12038="" read="" resumed=""> "", 8192) = 0 12038 ioctl(118, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0 12038 read(118, "", 8192) = 0 12038 ioctl(118, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0 12038 read(118, "", 8192) = 0 12038 ioctl(118, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0 12038 read(118, "", 8192) = 0 12038 ioctl(118, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0 12038 read(118, "", 8192) = 0 12038 ioctl(118, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0 12038 read(118, "", 8192) = 0 12038 ioctl(118, FIONREAD <unfinished &lt;...="" ...&gt;="" 12038="" ioctl="" resumed=""> , [0]) = 0 12038 read(118, <unfinished &lt;...="" ...&gt;="" 12038="" read="" resumed=""> "", 8192) = 0 .... 12038 futex(0x40d8e460, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 1 12038 ioctl(118, FIONREAD, [0]) = 0 12038 read(118, "", 8192) = 0 12038 futex(0x40d8e460, FUTEX_WAKE_PRIVATE, 1) = 0 ..</unfinished></unfinished></unfinished></unfinished>

Strace dump of aliendalvik start can be found from here: http://tilu.homelinux.net/alienstart1.strace.log Strace dump of system_server process & threads can be found from here: http://tilu.homelinux.net/alienspinloop.strace.log So far my eyes did not see any reason for this spinlooping, but I try to keep on looking.

I did one round of uninstall/reinstall for android support from the store, but it did not help on this issue.

Has anyone seen this same issue with SW?

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answered 2014-11-08 15:22:48 +0200

MikkoM gravatar image

Some progress on investigation. I did another android support uninstall/reinstall round with cleaning (same way as in here http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=91942&page=5). Now system_server is not eating all CPU time and android apps are launching. Only exceptions seems to be apps, which are downloaded from Google Play Store. These apps stalls on loading phase same way as when problem started. So it somehow smells like these apps from google play are trying to fetch ads/other stuff from google servers and this fails. Could this be related to Uitukka-connectivity upgrade somehow?

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Asked: 2014-11-08 10:53:19 +0200

Seen: 396 times

Last updated: Nov 08 '14