Device lock on SIMcard change

asked 2014-11-15 06:23:21 +0200

Anna gravatar image

What I really miss in SailfishOS is the option to have the device locked on SIMcard change like seen on N9 and Symbian phones.

You may say this is not useful. But I would love to know my device gets locked in case someone changes the SIMcard.

If possible, it shall render the phone useless if they get the code wrong three times. So in the end only the owner/jolla care can unlock it via connected jolla account for example.

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good idea :)

NuklearFart ( 2014-11-15 08:47:34 +0200 )edit

This issue would be definitely solved if and when a native Sailfish version of a security suite like Avast is released. In the mean time, use the autolock option in settings.

objectifnul ( 2014-11-15 09:46:36 +0200 )edit

This is a must have.

torcida ( 2014-11-15 21:04:21 +0200 )edit

@objectifnul The autolock option is not an option because I will be forced to enter the password everytime I unlock the device. You can call me careless, but I don't have my devices locked this way. Whenever the device lock on SIMcard change was available, I made use of it. I only lost a phone once in the very early days of mobile phones due to very special circumstances (injury, crutches). So let's keep the fingers crossed I never lose my phone again. The Avast option is an option, but not the same as if it's a built-in feature coming from jolla itself. An extra app that's always running in the background will use additional resources (battery, CPU, RAM). I even doubt Avast will code a native sailfish app in the years to come. And I have more trust in jolla than Avast. I hope you understand my points.

Anna ( 2014-11-16 05:36:51 +0200 )edit

I get your points, yes. However you must admit that your phone and its contents are valuable assets that are at risk, which means you must be careful and protect your stuff. This may imply some cumbersome constraints. After all, don't you lock your car when you park it in town? Don't you lock the door when you leave your house? Of course, a built-in, automatic and seamless protection would be ideal, but you may have an acceptable protection with available options. One day, your phone will scan your eye with its front camera. But that's future...

objectifnul ( 2014-11-16 10:50:01 +0200 )edit