Does Jolla monitor my activity?

asked 2014-11-19 14:52:36 +0200

LarsB gravatar image

On the Jolla tablet page, you write:

There are no back doors or anything third parties could use for monitoring your activity.

This is great, but I'd like to know if this extends to Jolla itself. Can I configure the phone in such a way that Jolla itself doesn't get any information about me, either? E.g., on a modern iPhone, you can disable automatic updates, iCloud etc. and still, the iPhone will periodically contact Apple. Is this the same with Sailfish OS or can I tell the phone to contact only those servers I personally entered (servers that serve web pages I visit, my mail servers)?

Of course, this question pertains to the OS and the main built-in apps only, Jolla cannot do anything about third-party apps I install, and of course, contacting Jolla is perfectly fine when I would expect the phone to do so, e.g. when I enable automatic updates etc.

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There are no automatic updates, and you can disable automatically looking for new updates. As far as I know, the only information ever sent to Jolla is your account details, and whether you have enabled developer mode or not.

nthn ( 2014-11-19 15:04:08 +0200 )edit