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Will we ever get 'The ONE device'?

asked 2014-11-20 23:21:47 +0200

pieterhugo gravatar image

I have owned every version of the Nokia N9000 range, every internet Maemo and Meego device, and recently tried a Samsung Note 2 with docking station and 3xUSB + HDMI output. (Android is awful with a qwerty keyboard) The closest I ever got to a One Device was probably the N900. With modern processors it must be possible by now to have a phone that docks onto a normal keyboard and screen and replaces a laptop? Am I the only one that still believes in this dream?

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It sounds very similar to the jollaDesk...

vattuvarg ( 2014-11-20 23:28:21 +0200 )edit

Quite a few people belived in it about a year ago. It was called Ubuntu Edge. Was not funded unfortunately... http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edge

macesn ( 2014-11-21 00:14:08 +0200 )edit

So far the only technology that is able to do this – within FOSS and outside of it! – is KDE with its Plasma 5.0 desktop.

…which luckily can run on Mer (the Linux-based core system of SailfishOS) and runs on Qt 5 (as does SailfishOS).

hook ( 2014-11-21 02:07:08 +0200 )edit

5 Answers

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answered 2014-11-21 09:34:46 +0200

MiLano gravatar image

Too many different devices will make Jolla losing focus. Let the phone come to a certain maturity level first. There are still bugs and potential for improvements as I understand.

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I want Jolla to make the next phone powerful enough for the desktop concept. No diversion of resources but loads of possibilities.

vattuvarg ( 2014-11-21 10:33:02 +0200 )edit

Too many different devices will make Jolla losing focus. -> that is Jolla's problem, OP is only asking for ONE device, the One one :p

vandersmash ( 2014-11-21 13:40:06 +0200 )edit

I'am also dreaming on this. To have a docking station at home and at office and mi Phone is my PC. Even an Raspberry Pi you can use as PC for the most comun user scenerys (Office + Internet). And here with VPN + diferent user profiles. I think it will be the future. Will see which company is the first to present it

Chili ( 2014-11-24 17:40:01 +0200 )edit

But for me for now is more important to have VoIP (SIP), VPN and encryption on my Jolla-Phone ;)

Chili ( 2014-11-24 17:40:41 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-11-24 08:25:17 +0200

pieterhugo gravatar image

Well, I personally think it could be the one thing that Jolla could easily do and get right that will make the all difference and crack the market open. I lug a HP laptop around, but I know most modern smartphones and tablets, given good enough connectivity, have enough processing power to be able to serve all my needs (except gaming). A few companies have given this a half hearted attempt, but I think they often get greedy and want to make money out of the adapters, or the proprietary keyboards (a la the evil that is Apples' ecosystems thinking) It will quickly become indispensible, where the Jolla phone, and all its predecessors were great, but ultimately replaceable.

Give us a simple dongle with a USD hub (for a keyboard and mouse) and HDMI output and the rest is OS and software. The dongle must be cheap enough to have one on my desk at work, another in my study at home, a third in my lounge in front of the tv and maybe a last one to carry around.

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answered 2014-11-24 10:23:26 +0200

chemist gravatar image

It is not about the one device, it is all about the one OS. If Jolla can get it right to have seamless sync between devices, a desktop or laptop/netbook OS version may follow. Why? You do not want to plug anything to a dock, you want to sit in your car and have your phones playlist play on your radio, your destination search available in the navigation system and your everything everywhere at the same time. So let Jolla show what they can do with two devices, if they fail with the tablet the same as they did with the phone... where connectivity is everything...

Imagine the tablet being unable to push a movie to your TV or a folder to your home-network... or not even connect to your wlan at home/work/school/university... basic home/work tasks will become impossible as you have a nice device that you need to plug in to a computer every time you want to transfer something. SailfishOS2.0 needs to integrate as much as possible at first and make tasks simpler for $user (I state $user as developers and linux geeks will find a way to sync everything in some way but $user wont be able to do that and those $user are those with money)

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".. if they fail with the tablet the same as they did with the phone .." - that's the spirit ;)

foss4ever ( 2015-01-18 02:30:35 +0200 )edit

@foss4ever That feeling does sadly pervade some of the most devoted Jolla supporters..

The journey may be long but you need a vehicle to get there. A global OS still doesn't exist that works as a cross hardware platform but the idea of using a mobile device as a cross platform multimedia/browsing device does exist and is a good starting point surely?

So, as far as Jolla is concerned, I support them on principle, I purchased a phone even though I didn't need one just to show support (still use my N9!) and I intended to purchase two tablets if they had cabled video out. (Now noting the final nail in that coffin - Tablet TV-Out )

So, I find myself reluctantly looking to purchase an Android device so that I can run the apps that don't work on the Jolla and also have the facility to use cabled video out. That doesn't feel like success commercially or where 'unlike' seems to equate to 'unable'.

I still support Jolla and want them to succeed so I hate that I am forced to purchase what will fit my requirements from another company. If my funds are not going to Jolla and there is a market of people who won't consider Jolla due to no cabled video out (You need to get a poll of people who don't own Jolla's to understand that market) then the overall advancement will take longer than it should.

@chemist - In the docking/transformer vein, if a device mounting organisation can see the future and be working towards it, there must be some desire in the market. RAM GDS! With no MHL it doesn't look like this will work well with a Jolla anything though :-(

ai ( 2015-04-03 20:15:47 +0200 )edit

answered 2014-11-24 13:54:16 +0200

smoku gravatar image

It was already attempted: http://www.engadget.com/products/motorola/atrix-4g-lapdock/ and did not catch on.

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answered 2014-11-20 23:33:11 +0200

MartinK gravatar image


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betteridge%27s_law_of_headlines

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Why not? as for [1]: it is not Jolla asking "Will you, our fans ever get the One device?" followed by some BS story why it is not the time and maybe if and then, laws of modern economics etc...

" The reason why journalists use that style of headline (question mark one) is that they know the story is probably bullshit, and don’t actually have the sources and facts to back it up, but still want to run it."

vandersmash ( 2014-11-21 13:45:08 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-11-20 23:21:47 +0200

Seen: 1,024 times

Last updated: Nov 24 '14