Not able to see phone numbers through Cars mobile phone interface [duplicate]
asked 2013-12-30 11:46:07 +0200
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I'm using handsfree system at daily basis and for some reason Jolla don't show contacts or list of called/received numbers through car interface. This works fine with Nokia symbian, Iphone, windows phone and Android phone.
Its a bint annoying that you don't see the callers name and you'll have to select numbers from phone when you are driving.
Seems like bluetooth PBAP (phone book address profile) is missing on Jolla. This was also missing on N900 and N9 in the beginning, delivered by community.
I hope this gets added soon - I recently got a new car that worked perfectly with N900 with CSSU....
casanunda ( 2013-12-30 11:57:03 +0200 )edit