[Jolla Tablet] Security and Privacy

asked 2014-11-22 13:02:54 +0200

mariner gravatar image

updated 2014-11-23 02:22:13 +0200

Toxip gravatar image

This probably overlaps with existing questions on privacy, but I think there may be additional issues for the tablet as it is based on what will become widely used Intel hardware. As there are already a lot of Atom based devices out there running Windows or other software the hacking environment is probably more mature anyway and with many more implementations it will only get worse. I realise security currently is mainly a software issue and is reliant on software protection in the windows environment, but security attackers are attacking the firmware and hardware more nowadays. Microsoft developed its dreaded UEFI boot device to combat some of this. I know the response to these questions is always the usual Linux and Apple are not windows and they are immune. Android has managed to make "Linux" devices even more susceptible to penetration than Windows and Linux/Unix servers are regularly compromised. What is Jolla doing to prevent becoming just as susceptible as Android and Windows.

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as an addition to a generally enhanced security I would really like to see device encryption on Jolla/SailfishOS. So please vote here: https://together.jolla.com/question/2158/optional-encryption-of-the-device/ if you want this too, to support this request

blubdibub ( 2014-11-22 20:01:46 +0200 )edit

I can't see how encryption would help. When the device is properly started, it will decrypt the data, so every running android app will be able to read decrypted data. Encryption is only useful in cases you will loose the device, isn't it?

Moo-Crumpus ( 2015-09-17 16:14:52 +0200 )edit