Port Calligra Gemini to SailfishOS as native office suite
Calligra is a great Free Softwire KDE/Qt-based office suite. In fact it was the base for the Documents app in the Nokia N9 (and Jolla I imagine).
The recent news item (including awesome videos!) reveals that Calligra Gemini is now part of the official Calligra suite – this goes perfectly with the recently announced Jolla Tablet, since the whole point of Calligra Gemini is that the office suite has a responsive UI – that means that on the fly it changes e.g.:
- into the full desktop create mode, if it detects the screen is big enough and there is a keyboard (& mouse) present;
- into the touch-optimised edit mode, if it detects it the device offers only a touch-screen;
- into the full-screen no-nonsense view mode, if asked so.
Having such a thing on the Jolla Tablet would be a brilliant thing and the code is already there (although for now still Qt4-based) – please make this happen.
This could (i.e. would eventually) solve a previous question about having a native spreadsheet app. ⇐ update: fixed wording
I'd give this several arrows up if I could. This could actually also be useful on the Jolla phone, not just the tablet
Tanghus ( 2014-11-22 16:40:03 +0200 )editAgreed, but the tablet is such a perfect example (although the phone + TOHKBD is a great one as well)
hook ( 2014-11-22 17:08:28 +0200 )editDefinitely the tablet needs a powerful office suite! Sounds like the perfect solution whilst still I would prefer a true mobile solution based on libre...
ramoth ( 2014-11-22 17:33:32 +0200 )editYeah, but I've realized I have no use case for a tablet. Got my PC/work station for working at home, my laptop for when being out of town, and my Jolla for all in between. Had a tablet for 3 years (died the other day), but only used it for looking up TV-programmes. €400 out the window :P
Tanghus ( 2014-11-22 17:47:56 +0200 )editI'd like to hear some sailor/developer talking about this topic :yes:
Someoneortwo ( 2014-12-02 02:50:35 +0200 )edit