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privacy -> decentralized online services + offline mode

asked 2014-11-22 20:24:51 +0200

dulog gravatar image

updated 2014-11-22 20:27:28 +0200

Hi, as the tablet and sailfish OS 2.0 is promoted with privacy in mind, I like to suggest some aspects that focus on (re)decentralized online services that are in use / embedded to the OS. Thus, the OS should support a lot more services for sharing / upload / notify / news / ... and contain an open (standards and protocols) and extendible system (plugins / scripts) that is able to reflect the lifecycle of third party APIs. For example youtube.com might be #1 video portal, but users might prefer vimeo.com that's not overwhelmed by ads and tracking. Or let's see some examples for selfhosting online services :

  • owncloud - sync and share calendars, files, bookmarks, ...
  • bittorrent - sync files via P2P
  • Mediagoblin - share images, audio, video, 3D models, ...
  • Diaspora / friendica - social networks
  • Jabber / XMPP - IM and chat
  • Yacy - websearch
  • bitcoin - payment
  • ...

Also please try to avoid online services in general and support offline applications as good as we can. There are offline apps for wikipedia, openstreetmap and the OS can use e.g. openwifimap for loading wifi locations etc... . This will include esp. the easy (background, fast, non-blocking, ...) updates and external storage of big datasets.

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As an alternative to BitTorrentSync you can use syncthing. It's open source and does nearly the same as BTS.

blubdibub ( 2014-11-22 20:28:31 +0200 )edit

Also, please improve caldav support. I'm currently using google calendar because of bugs with experimental caldav synchronization.

sigma_ ( 2014-11-22 20:31:19 +0200 )edit

@blubdibub What I mean are defaults and the OS integration itself. If you always need an (poor intrated) external app, nobody will like to use that services at the tablet.

dulog ( 2014-11-22 20:41:44 +0200 )edit

Yes, we definitly need better integration with those services, especially the ones like jabber/xmpp and owncloud which one can host on an own server. Right now jabber is not usable mobile due to missing XEP-0198 among others and there is no group chat, file transfer etc.. to bring it on par with things like whatsapp. Also Owncloud Sync works ok for caldav, but no carddav due to a wrongly generated URL when using the general carddav account type. File sync is only possible manually through third Party Apps (Cargo Dock Filemanager)

If Jolla does mean what they say about caring for the users privacy than these services should be feature complete and fully integrated in Sailfish OS by default.

seiichiro0185 ( 2014-11-22 21:41:08 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-01-21 18:30:50 +0200

sandy_locke gravatar image

I'm also thinking of self-hosted services like pocket clones (i.e: wallabag), bookmarking services (owncloud, unmark), rss aggregators (tt-rss, fever) that could be implemented as services. I use them a lot and would never go for third-party cloud services when it comes to my private life.

If Jolla could leverage a good and easy way to create ourselves "add-ons" for our own preferred self-hosted accounts, it would mean less work for them and a good opportunity to support as much services as possible. I mean, seeing the fragmentation in this area, it would be hard for them to support them all, so they can only work on protocols (i.e: *dav...) but not really on specific API's. On the other hand, they can facilitate third-party devs work by giving us specific hooks to create our own add-ons.

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Asked: 2014-11-22 20:24:51 +0200

Seen: 866 times

Last updated: Jan 21 '15