Release the next jolla phone along with the tablet

asked 2014-11-24 14:16:53 +0200

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updated 2014-11-24 14:32:27 +0200

ossi1967 gravatar image

Tje Jolla tablet's form factor is awsome. I would love to see the next Jolla phone with the same from factor getting released along with the tablet or even before it. The two halves form factor has not clicked and I have seen people not opting to buy Jolla phone only coz of this.

JolL Phone 2 Hardware Specs, What I want:

Jolla Tablet like form factor (No two halves please). 16:9, 4.5 inch, 720p AMOLED dispaly. Micro HDMI port, TV out.

The question is when will Jolla be releasing their second phone? Have they even thought about this? Or is the Tablet the only thing in their mind now?

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Why not The Other Half? I think its great, it gives the Jolla so much more potential, it doesn't have to be about customization, but about adding more features, such as battery, or dual SIM, or extra I/O. And I hope they implement something like The Other Half on the tablet. But they will probably release the one same time(November next year), and do a crowd sourcing during Q1 of next year, and I really hope they ship to the US.

toxemicsquire4 ( 2014-11-24 20:24:47 +0200 )edit