Make I2C accessible in some way (docking or solder pad on board) [answered]
As the Atom Z3700 does have I2C/SPI interfaces, please try to make this available/accessible in some way.
Either as Docking/TOH, as asked in this request
or, if that is not possible, at least try to route the necessary pins of the SoC to some accessible pins/pads on the board, in case someone wants to heavily modify the tablet and doesn't mind opening it.
I know that in the second case, the modification will be limited to more experienced/skilled/risktaking people, but at least it opens up "some" additional hackability... :-)
Edit: As Philippe mentioned, it might be anywhere between small effort to a lot of effort and/or cost, but it depends on the current board and the extent of the modification that is needed. So maybe it is possible, maybe too much effort. Let's see...