vibration still doesn't work

asked 2014-12-19 09:08:34 +0200

michdeskunk gravatar image

Before update the vibration doesn't work great. But after the new update ( thanks jolla ) nothing change. When I tapping keyboard I don't feel screen vibration, only rarely is felt. When I shutdown or turn on my jolla I don't feel vibration anymore. I can feel vibration only receive calls and sms..

Then I would request to cure vibration in the next future update.

Thanks jolla

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its probably your hardware rather than a broken update...

r0kk3rz ( 2014-12-19 10:07:29 +0200 )edit

maybe with CSD tool vibrator doesn't work... damn chinese low-cost hardware

michdeskunk ( 2014-12-19 12:09:05 +0200 )edit

CSD works here, but no other vibration available. Defective device?

magullo ( 2014-12-21 09:00:33 +0200 )edit

I faced with same problem and I back to official service... now I am waiting for feedback from them... Is it a bug or smth else?

yermat ( 2015-01-19 11:01:16 +0200 )edit