import sms from N900 to Jolla? [duplicate]
is there an easy way to import sms from N900 to Jolla?
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is there an easy way to import sms from N900 to Jolla?
I don't know about any way right now. But I'm trying to hack old SMS exporter program to make it export messages in CSV format for use with Merlin1991's SMS import. I just need to solve unicode replace issue...
Done (or at least I hope so ;-) ), check here:
Jamar ( 2013-12-31 16:39:56 +0200 )editThis question has been asked and answered already. You may want to look at
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Asked: 2013-12-31 01:18:48 +0200
Seen: 477 times
Last updated: Dec 31 '13
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