[List] Other Halves
asked 2015-01-11 19:15:20 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Not a question ;-)
After looking at some cool stuff that can be done with a TOH, I was in need of a list...
* Shapeways
- Flypig -> The Other Side, Contactless WIP, and Specials
* FunkyOtherHalf
- breadboardToH
- leTOH
- SolarTOH
- TOHkbd (out of stock)
- Wireless Charging QI TOH (discontinued)
- DIP_TOH -- lots of toggles! (sold out)
* KimmoLi
- Jolla OtherHalf eInk/ePaper display (WIP)
- OtherHalf Infrared Thermal Imager (WIP, working proto revealed)
- TOHoLED / Jolla OtherHalf OLED display
- FM Receiver/Transmitter TOH (WIP)
- TOHUART, RS-232 interface (WIP)
* skvark / @unpixels
- The Powerhalf (Prototype, DIY)
- The Solar Half (Prototype, DIY)
- The Chameleon Half (WIP) (Prototype, DIY)
* Wireless Charging TOH
* brilliant ideas in need of a tinkerer
- The Cranky Half
- The Other Sim (Dual Sim TOH)
* Last but not least
- CarTOH (DIY)
- Lastu Cases (not tech, but special nonetheless)
- Audio TOH (Request 1 Request 2 )
Please add any project/seller you know.
[edit: thanks Kimmo for your adds.] [edit 20150114: thanks rbukhanov and nick75.]