Support for left and right arrow keys in Android runtime

asked 2015-01-13 23:25:34 +0200

tokaru gravatar image

updated 2015-02-05 17:43:09 +0200

It's great that we have the possibility to easily modify the keyboard layout of our phone. I have enhanced mine with left and right arrow keys, allowing me to step to the previous/next character when in text input mode, which works great. The only downer is that it does not work in Android apps, it seems that Qt.Key_Right and Qt.Key_Left are not passed to the runtime.

Is it possible to support them in future versions? Or is this something I can tweak myself?

Thinking ahead, this might get even more interesting when the the awesome KBDTOH will be finished, I think there will be more keys to consider then, like up/down, tab/backtab, etc.

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I think there must be some solutions. Anyone can help?

Saber Altria ( 2015-02-12 13:39:45 +0200 )edit