Add the apostrophe on the english keyboard
Depending whom I send a text to, I switch my keyboard layout when I write in French, and when I write in English.
I have noticed that the French keyboard has an apostrophe on the bottom left, which is very handy, but I'm surprised the English layout doesn't contain it as it is a very common English character.
It's even more relevant in the context of writing texts as apostrophe is often a way to abbreviate or shorten some sentences.
What do you people think ? agree disagree ?
Edit : just to clarify, I'm talking about making the apostrophe quickly available without switching from the letter view to the symbol view as I use it all the time.
Not to agree or disagree, but to say; maliit (keyboard app) is very editable, rather the key layouts are editable, but not so easy for everyone, I know.
By adding another character to a keyboard, you really need to remove another key or the keyboard is going to become unusable, unless the spacebar is shortened to accommodate both apostrophe and comma, which is all possible to do.
The use of apostrophes for me (only speaking and writing in English) is handled by the dictionary and of course, if I want to abbreviate a word, I tap
and select it - not a hassle for me at least. The comma would be more commonly used, certainly by myself, so perhaps certain nuances in languages and user preferences make it easier to know what layouts work best. So, ultimately, I think the English keyboard is fine how it is but could use directional arrows as standard.Now, not completely relevant to your question, but as an FYi, check out for more info keyboard layouts and languages.
Spam Hunter ( 2015-01-14 22:29:07 +0200 )editThe French layout has the apostrophe and the coma on the same line and it works well :) Plus I don't really think the apostrophe is more used in French than it is in English so either ways, something is confusing here.
alexduf ( 2015-01-14 22:53:58 +0200 )editI'm confused. I use the English keyboard layout and the apostrophe key is available when I select the "?123" menu. Is your suggestion to add the apostrophe to the "home screen" of the English keyboard layout?
drcouzelis ( 2015-01-14 23:23:00 +0200 )editI may be wrong but I think the OP meant to put the apostrophe on the main letter keyboard, not behind the 123 key.
pichlo ( 2015-01-14 23:32:01 +0200 )editIt is indeed what I meant. I'll edit my post.
alexduf ( 2015-01-14 23:52:29 +0200 )edit