Double-tap Clock to get Alarms & Timers editor view
tldr; DBus doesn't do it.
Currently a single tap on the clock, a double tap on it and a tap on any other part of the clock homeview screen nudges the displayed items upwards to show battery %, networking, alarms and mute status icons.
Please change this so that a double tap on the clock (only when it is unlocked and displayed) runs and foregrounds the Alarms & Timers editor-viewer, or make it user configurable: /usr/share/jolla-clock/pages/ClockEditDialog
Other double-tapped widgets could include to get to Calendar via date (which should display beside the phone service company name unsmothered by it). There could be a list in Settings allowing user control of such things.
Also what would be nice that when a timer finishes up and the user dismisses it, the clock app would remain on the foreground. Not necessarily by default, but if the clock app could have an option to toggle this feature on/off.
Sawyer ( 2015-01-15 11:39:47 +0200 )edit