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[feature request][wifi internet sharing] Add an option to prevent SSID broadcast

asked 2015-01-17 15:50:22 +0300

Elioty gravatar image

updated 2015-01-19 11:06:27 +0300

eric gravatar image

Hi all,

What do you think of adding an option to prevent the phone to broadcast its SSID when Internet sharing is enabled? It's a feature one could want. But it would also make the phone use a bit less energy I think.

On an UI standpoint, it would just be a mere checkbox on the Internet sharing settings page.


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My request has nothing to do with security. I am just wondering if it could save a little bit more power. That's all.

Elioty ( 2015-01-17 20:08:18 +0300 )edit

Fair enough. In that case I can only repeat what Okw said.

nthn ( 2015-01-18 00:08:57 +0300 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-01-17 21:11:45 +0300

Okw gravatar image

updated 2015-01-17 21:19:44 +0300

Let's have a look at the big picture.

Preventing SSID broadcast from Jolla forces all of its associated clients to scan actively for this hidden AP. Clients have to scan for the hidden AP always(*) when their own WiFi is switched on, while in contrast Jolla would have to broadcast its SSID only while tethering.

(*) Any client is unaware of Jolla's presence. Since there's no broadcast it has to scan for it constantly. Ever noticed the warning about higher battery consumption with hidden AP's for example in Windows and WP?

Therefore, clients will consume a magnitude more power in total compared to what Jolla might save through disabling SSID broadcast. Often you share the connection to your other devices (laptop, tablet, etc.), so in the end you're the victim on the higher consumption.

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I should have actually read the article nthn linked instead of just reading the title. It indeed looks more like a mess than anything else in the end.

Elioty ( 2015-01-18 01:08:07 +0300 )edit

That well may be but that's nothing to be said against an option. I think that's not a important request but I always like to have options!

M.Bln. ( 2015-01-18 13:13:19 +0300 )edit
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Asked: 2015-01-17 15:50:22 +0300

Seen: 314 times

Last updated: Jan 17 '15