2015-02-02 12:56:57 +0200
I have extreme problems as well with the zooming feature in general. I am putting this up as an answer because there are many zoom-related questions/bug-reports here at TJC, but they are very scattered and none of them fits very good to sum things up. And I didn't want to start another questions that soon is forgotten.
The browser is intended to zoom in when you click on an edit box. This is understandable and very nice, but very often this goes wrong. It centers the screen very badly, sometimes it zooms completely outside of the edit-box so that nothing of the edit field is visible. For now I can't provide a sample site, but there should be enough of them out there for jolla to repeat this behavior.
Zooming in general: Since version Vaarainjärvi the browser also seems very instable, most often it feels like this is related to zooming, because often when I'm starting to zoom in with pinchin (different sites) the browser simply disappers. It is just gone, so it has to be restarted.
The click-miss bugg is still there, the click position appears to be offseted. Either wrong link is clicked or nothing happens. There are also times when nothing can be clicked, maybe some sort of lockup.
Is this just me? These things happen rather often I'd say and is so irritating that I many times switch to an android browser. The native one shouldn't be so bad that one has to fall back to an android one.
Would be nice to hear some Jolla response here. From what I've understood a lot of work is underway on the browser, there are some nighly previews available at Warehouse, but I hope also that the most critical bugs are being addressed.
Jolla users: Why not collect a list of sites where we can repeat these kind of annoyances, it would proably help Jolla devs to sort these things out.
Hmm. No answer and only 5 upvotes (and even one downvote). Does that mean that only 5 other members suffer that problem? Is no one really using their Jollas to post to online forums?
I take it that the one downvote definitely does not suffer the strange zoom problem. Could you please step forward and tell me what I am doing wrong? (Yes, this is a genuine request.)
pichlo ( 2015-01-31 13:08:39 +0200 )edit