Next device release
Does anyone know when will the next Jolla phone be released? I would not want to buy the old one. And is there any info about the price? Are Jolla phones going to be cheaper till summer? Thanks!
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Does anyone know when will the next Jolla phone be released? I would not want to buy the old one. And is there any info about the price? Are Jolla phones going to be cheaper till summer? Thanks!
Why do you need already another device ?? i think we can do better with this software. it s usefull have less device changes but more software changes and every 2/3 years a new device with new tecnologies. this phone can work another year without problems i think.
First they should make it global. Wifi ac dual the lot. The camera could be better. People expect a really really good camera (back and front). The size and shape are then. It is big. And the sharp corner that the TOH creates on the left and right sides makes it feel bad in the hand. Also the main half corners are "sharp" creating problems. And last they should make the phone feel more premium. Something that it should give you the feeling you can throw on the wall and will go through it intact.
ApB ( 2015-01-25 22:28:29 +0200 )editi think that you are talking about something that is a common think. Developers too know that, but this is not usefull to repeat each time. we need as a community to help with bug fix, error notice. this is another thread that talk about next jolla. i ve seen another that talk for the third jolla ans so on... i don t think it s a good idea for everyone and every situation repeat some known problems too much.
Claudio Maradonna ( 2015-01-25 22:51:03 +0200 )editWhen its ready. Doubt it will be before the tablet. And i would say after summer.(pure speculation)
@Timonen I hope it will be over €400, if that means we get better hardware than current Jolla, which feels to me as if too much compromises have been made to keep the price low. And just like @ApB, I don't want bigger sizes.
Fuzzillogic ( 2015-01-25 16:10:30 +0200 )editSure if the hardware gets better it can cost as much as it needs. But not too much thouh. I also want to have better resolution and hardware. The size is just fine. A big plus would be if there was an infrared port. But if I can buy s5 which, is better, with the same money that Jolla costs
Timonen ( 2015-01-25 17:57:05 +0200 )editIf any time but your bets on MWC 2015 of similar event in the future.
I paid the 400eur. for the Jolla the first time around but do not expect I will do the same every year. 250eur every two-three of years is around the price I would be willing to pay. A combination of a smaller phone with a tablet works best with me. There are very few things tha twould make me change my mind.
Having a camera is good, but I do not expect it to be an exceptional camera. It cannot be, if at the same time people expect the phone to be thin.
The tablet price is spot on. I will consider a new Jolla phone if it
does not come out too soon (not before next fall)
will have a competitive price. A small premium over an Android phone is OK, but the price bracket should be lower. The current price of the Jolla is about right.
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Asked: 2015-01-25 15:15:17 +0200
Seen: 1,549 times
Last updated: Jan 25 '15
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