[request] LINE for jolla
Hey guys ! Even if all is explained in the title I will present LINE and why it could be really interesting to have it in jolla.
LINE is an free call/messages using internet instead of gsm like kakaotalk or skype http://line.me/en/ It is mainly used by japanese and design for japanese guys but the thing is japan is big and the japan culture is widely spread around the world. Enough for when I see all of my friends none of them use what'sapp or whatever all of them (that are not in korea) use LINE. That make LINE pretty widely used (over 400 million people).
But the thing that make me think a port to sailfishOS is possible is when I see the download page: http://line.me/en/download LINE developers seems very open-minded and I think they just don't know the existence of jolla.
So I am not asking to the community to make a LINE app (the protocol is not open anyway) but to the jolla team to talk about a sailfish port with the LINE team.
-> I know LINE can run well as an android app but a native app written by professional could be really great in the jolla store !
PS: a complete integration using account system of sailfish could be better but i'm not making any illusion jolla team don't have time for this
LINE is very popular in Asia, which is a huge market. Would be good for Jolla to get them on board!
Stefanix ( 2015-01-28 21:53:57 +0200 )editSeeing they even made it for Firefox OS, I think it might be possible for them to consider Sailfish OS version, thumbs up, I use LINE a lot too :)
Acce ( 2015-01-29 17:53:55 +0200 )editBy the way, I don't know if it's very legal but i found this recently: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14494444/is-there-an-api-for-line-by-naver the plugin of pidgin seems to work so I post this link if someone motivated want to make an unofficial support on warehouse...
NeWin ( 2015-02-01 09:36:15 +0200 )editSailfish OS doesn't even have Japanese locale as of update 10. I doubt that LINE would be happy to put efforts into this platform.
tlsiu ( 2015-02-06 05:08:01 +0200 )editNot only it would be great to have such a native app in the store but Line is itself becoming a real ecosystem of services and it could expand the Jolla possibilities though them.
sgamao ( 2015-02-17 12:32:31 +0200 )edit