what would it take for jolla to support flux/twilight/redshift natively
Others have requested a way to dim the screen even more during a night mode.
Having been a long time user of flux on Windows/MacOSX or redshift on desktop GNU/Linux and more recently of twilight on mobile android, this functionality keeps me from using my Jolla phone at night.
This is a feature request for this functionality within jolla itself (either at os level, as a pre-installed utility, or even as an app available via the store.)
relevant links:
If Jolla is able to make a white UI theme in Sailfish 3, they should be able to integrate a blue filtering night mode into their OS. I don't believe an app will work easily enough for the users. Just add it to the topmenu.
JSEHV ( 2018-12-04 08:47:21 +0200 )edit