Enable and integrate native Elfcloud support in Jolla system UI (accounts, sharing, ..)

asked 2015-02-06 12:21:36 +0200

huuhaa gravatar image

updated 2015-02-08 00:23:54 +0200

I think this cloud service deserves it's own topic too.. What would be better than co-operation with former Nokia employees and former F-Secure employee, Jolla founders & Elfclound founder... :)

I really would like to see possibility to add elfcloud in the accounts, so you could easily shere content from phone to elfcloud, maybe even autosaving option for those who like to have it.

At the moment I can't seem to find English version of elfclouds homepage,but there is english version of api-doc page: https://secure.elfcloud.fi/en/developers/api-doc/ [will be updated by mon, according to twitter]

Sure this is yet another centralized service and you can always use owncloud. But owncloud is not for everyone, so we need at least one easy solution for those ones who find it too difficult to setup owncloud. Anyway I believe this might be good service to look at. The support of elfcloud already seemed to be very open to Jolla/ SailfishOS. Indeed, they said that it seems that Jolla support is now more asked than Windows phone one, so..

Edit 6.2.2015: made the title a bit more specific feature-request (enable and integrate native Elfcloud support to Jolla device(s) system UI (accounts, sharing, PIM-sync, storage..) [just change it back if you think this is not what ypu requested]

Edit 8.2.2015: mentioned that api-doc shoud be updated mon, according to twitter. / huuhaa

What do you think, shoud Jolla support this, new and secure cloudservice?

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Yes, I'm definitely going to check Elfcloud as I'm disappointed to F-Secures decision to sell Younited to US. I'll post my experience here as soon as I get to play with Elfcloud.

MikaN ( 2015-02-06 14:38:35 +0200 )edit

Yes, as @MikaN said Elfcloud support would be great to have natively in Jolla (to replace the disappointing Younited-fiasco).. What else than the API reference does sailor-community need to get thid going? Some Twitter convs here: https://mobile.twitter.com/experimancer/status/563502602886070272

foss4ever ( 2015-02-07 06:21:06 +0200 )edit

@jjaone Thanks for editing title. I was at work while writing that first post, so decided to put just general one at starters. Text in that post is also written in hurry (like in many of mine posts) and you probably can see it. :D

Anyway I think you can see the basic idea clear enough. Hopefully this will get more votes also in time. On the other hands votes doesn't matter, but hopefully this support will be integrated. :)

huuhaa ( 2015-02-08 00:20:31 +0200 )edit

Just installed Elfcloud Android app to my Jolla, seems to working. Now I need to learn to use it...

MikaN ( 2015-02-08 18:16:43 +0200 )edit

But we need a SailfishOS client impl: "Enable and integrate native ElfCloud support..", right?

foss4ever ( 2015-02-09 21:02:54 +0200 )edit