2015-03-12 14:48:50 +0200
I will try to document what I understand from the Jolla Mail App currently. I think this App need mayor improvements. It is a pitty that this stuff is not open source as Jolla does not seem to have the manpower to improve some mayor drawbacks (encryption, folder handling, plain text mail view (no HTML view where text does not even fit on the screen), handling calendar attachments). I am new to Qt and Jolla so maybe this is obvious to most people here.
It seems the jolla mail application is based on the Qt Media Framework (QMF) - at least it seems so as mails are stored in ~/nemo/.qmf/. Therein is a subfolder called mail that contains all mails including attachments. There is also a subfolder database including a file called "qmailstore.db" that may contain additional information about the mails. Unfortunately I only find an blog entry that announces QMF and an example Mail Application which I haven't look at in detail as it seems to be written in Qt 4.something but not Qt5.
How cryptmee seems to work:
cryptmee application iterates over the mail and tries to find files starting with a PGP signature. These mails get that stored in a list that is the model of a list view. The app does not use QMF stuff at all but looks for files starting with a pgp header. To answer an mail, cryptmee simply invokes an "mailto:" link. So it will trigger the current mail application.
ICS Handling:
The jolla mail application also uses the nemo-transfer-engine to publish(?) downloaded attachments. You can see this from the journal when syncing your mail accounts (journalctl -a -n -f). This could possibly be used to handle ICS attachments. We only need and app that is registered as default handler of such ics files when the download completed. Completion is maybe announced using this transfer engine thingy..
We could also scan the mail folder structure for these ICS files like cryptmee scans for pgp mails.
However, In both cases I am not sure how to accept/decline calendar events.
That would be a very useful addition to security on Sailfish.
richardski ( 2015-02-09 23:30:44 +0200 )editLooks nice , It would be great to have it on Jolla !
pavi ( 2015-02-10 19:25:08 +0200 )editThat's a sample of an app I've been waiting...
rannari ( 2015-02-10 21:14:55 +0200 )edit