[Feature request] WLAN configuration info (e.g. IP and DNS) should be shown in the WLAN Settings submenu.

asked 2015-02-14 18:08:58 +0200

user100 gravatar image

updated 2015-02-14 18:09:53 +0200

As of the answer in this question: link, it seems that the only way to display current IP, subnet mask, gateway and dns addresses is to enable the Developer Mode and run two commands in the Terminal. Imo, this is not very user-friendly and convenient.

I think that current WLAN addresses should be shown somewhere in the WLAN submenu (maybe accessible as a pulley menu item?). The "page" with these addresses could be divided into two sections:

  • Basic (IPv4, IPv6, subnet, gateway, primary dns, secondary dns)
  • Advanced (other addresses we can from the current wlan config, like DHCP address or WINS address (if set))

Having easy access to this information helps in debugging connection problems. For example, once I had a problem with accessing any webpage whilst being connected to a WLAN. It looked like a dns problem, but I couldn't find the configuration obtained from DHCP to verify this.

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Also wlan accesspoint (mac address) would be fine. Such information could also be shown under "Settings - System - Product information" (mac address of the Jolla for example is already there).

Holger ( 2015-03-05 21:10:15 +0200 )edit