Help cure my Jolla Phone

asked 2015-02-15 23:06:10 +0200

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updated 2016-08-17 14:28:16 +0200

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Good day! The Jolla phone was me presented at the new year. I went with him a month, updated the phone, and 2 weeks the phone worked stably. After it became periodically spontaneously to reboot. During an incoming call or during navigation. Via settings the phone has reset all to factory settings. Another day the phone worked steadily, but when the launch of the Yandex store phone restart, and when you enable showed strange menu, where there was another splash screen unlocked phone horizontal movement, and no icons ALICO , only the names. Once again dropped settings menu in the hope that phone runs in desktop mode, but the phone no longer was loaded on the label Jolla. Following the instructions with making 1)Reset device to factory state, agree (y) the terminal mount/mnt see the last, and the terminal is closed. Phone is not included on labels Jolla. I understand that jolla cannot be removed from the system image data that would be to deploy them, and return everything to factory settings. I already managed to find a working way that even some idea how to deploy on the phone, BUT for me it remains unclear: As on a flash drive to copy the file volume 14 GB (my flash drive size 64 GB, fat 32, and it has always worked with all of my mobile devices steadily, including Jolla).

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Is it updated to the newst version(

If not, unplug your battery for another 10 minutes or more. Just so it can empty the last "crap" it got in the memory. Same thing happens often with computers.

Try then to update and tell me if that is working.

kuzeyron ( 2015-02-15 23:20:57 +0200 )edit

No, now Jolla phone when switched on it shows the splash screen Jolla, and after a black screen, and does not run on anything, just a black screen.

MAMA ( 2015-02-16 19:19:51 +0200 )edit

Can you access the phone through SSH? If you had turned it on.

kuzeyron ( 2015-02-16 21:13:54 +0200 )edit

Hello! I was able on their own to restore the phone. Understood. Under Debian formatted the memory card in ext4>copied a working system image on a USB flash drive> connected it to the phone> jolla via putty connected via telnet to recovery > through shell mounted memory card> copied the image to the phone> returned in recovery> did reset to factory settings> Jolla recovered from the image that I copied> > > and after reboot everything started. Now everything works. emphasized textNeed some more detailed instructions on restoring to do. Some things just do not to understand until you study a lot of materials. What would everyone through the steps to restore your device! THANK youemphasized text

MAMA ( 2015-02-18 14:04:33 +0200 )edit