[req] unit conversion tool
title of my request is clear, native units converter from Jolla team (like we got weather now), it is one of native app what i missing in nextgen os :)
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title of my request is clear, native units converter from Jolla team (like we got weather now), it is one of native app what i missing in nextgen os :)
Unit converter app by MikeL is available in the store. And another one called unit master.
@pan tau: Given that weather (by Jolla) is not as good as existing weather apps in the store, I doubt a unit converter "by Jolla" would be worth waiting for. Also, I'd prefer Jolla to concentrate on the plumbings of the OS and on APIs that developers can use, not on applications.
ossi1967 ( 2015-02-20 13:03:34 +0200 )editwasnt there cool meecast on the store? and yet we got weather from jolla team, so i think i will not accept answer
@juiceme for somebody is easier to trust and install "official" packages than reading user comments, trying if it works or not, wasting time with trying wich calculator is better than other, hopping that app is clean, that source code has been checked and verified ... all current stores are overfilled with junk, everybody making apps in copy/paste style from tutorials, and if you care about your device you dont want to install everything where is install button available,
i think store should be for specific and advanced apps than for thousands of flashlights
jolla could offer theese basic apps in their essential apps and jolla customer will get more for his money and will be more satisfied, what could be wrong if jolla will provide more basic apps in their essential pack? nothing only +
pan tau ( 2015-02-20 13:19:02 +0200 )editThis thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2015-02-20 11:26:45 +0200
Seen: 281 times
Last updated: Feb 20 '15
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