2015-02-21 15:57:38 +0200
4369 ●53 ●62 ●69
It makes pretty much no difference which of those IM services Jolla targets or likes most. Skype for example is a dead end when it comes to 3rd party clients. A Skype client for Sailfish must come from Microsoft, and that's not going to happen. WhatsApp is nothing to write home about either. Coderus has made a big effort regarding WhatsApp by developing Mitäkuuluu, but since WhatsApp as a company is also quite rotten, the client breaks every now and then afaik. I'm not familiar with Wechat, but I suppose it's the same crap in a different package.
A small company like Jolla (or its relatively small community) may target any service they wish, but eventually it's the big players who decide which platforms they want their services on. Companies providing these non-free services are the bosses in this case.
Regarding text-to-speech (TTS) there has been some feature requests earlier on TJC, e.g. here:
Actually the question is which services likes jolla most, or even which service cares about anything else than android/ios with their own apps. For the other platforms it is the IM-provider which writes the support, not the operating system-vendor.
Try to get them to open their apis (officailly), then in the future there might be something.
beeki ( 2015-02-21 12:28:30 +0200 )editNo. The question is. Do we target all services or the one Jolla wants most.
Mikko ( 2015-02-21 12:30:13 +0200 )editbetter add support for encrypted chat apps from here first:
whatsapp will block 3rd party apps so i don't really see a point in wasting time for them even though I understand the userbase is huge. But still getting apps like textsecure would be better from the privacy perspective.
piratenpanda ( 2015-02-21 16:29:06 +0200 )edit