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sms no focus if it is opened and a new idea..

asked 2015-02-21 13:04:37 +0200

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updated 2015-02-21 13:04:37 +0200

deny gravatar image


there is sometimes a problem if a sms window is opened and if you go to contacts and select to write a sms. The window gets no focus, it goes to there where you can close all apps.

2) A good feature would be, if you open the last called list and tap on an entry, to show the menu for selection if you would like to call someone or to send sms...

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Hi and welcome to the forum! Please, just one issue per question.

As for number 2, go to Settings > Apps > Phone and uncheck "Quick call". That does exactly what you're requesting.

ssahla ( 2015-02-21 14:10:43 +0200 )edit

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answered 2015-02-21 14:21:55 +0200

deny gravatar image

Thank you very much! :-)

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Asked: 2015-02-21 13:04:37 +0200

Seen: 111 times

Last updated: Feb 21 '15