Icons of Android apps disappear after installation [not relevant]
I just received my phone back from repair, so it is factory reset. The installed SailfishOS is version Settings tells me, it is up to date (did not subscribe to early access).
I have installed Android Support. Now when I install any Android App from the Jolla store, I lack the icon on the start screen. It happened for Aptoide, Yandex Store and a couple other Apps as well. During the installation, I can see the animated icon showing that installation is going on. As soon the installation finishes, the icon disappears. The app itself however shows as installed in Jolla store.
My suspicion is, that because of early access, the Android Support in the Jolla store is already for the upcoming SailfishOS version and causes trouble when used with older SailfishOS versions. Can anyone confirm this?
I think I'll just have to wait and see until I get I don't really want to join early access, as I'm not a developer. However, this is kind of a deadlock situation I'm in currently...