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WP, Telegram and viber not working on Sailfish OS Vaarainjarvi

asked 2015-02-24 12:26:28 +0200

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updated 2015-02-24 22:15:54 +0200

foss4ever gravatar image

After i given mobile no for verification, i got Error:'' unable to connect please check that you are connected to intetnet and try again, please reboot your phone if your connection problem persists ''. In Telegram app verification app is only loading.. please tell me the solution

Thanks in advance prakaash

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Hi - Another Indian user here. Telegram and Viber work flawlessly for me. You should probably wait for a while to receive the code as SMS...

Where did you install it from? What version of these apps are you running?

anandrkris ( 2015-02-24 13:00:11 +0200 )edit

I installed whatsapp ver 2.11.506, 514 from Aptoide appstore. Shall i reset my J0lla, if i did it, will i get same &upcoming updates

Prakaash T ( 2015-02-24 14:23:30 +0200 )edit

@anandkris: Hi, Which version of WP & Telegram you are using?

Prakaash T ( 2015-02-25 13:01:22 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-02-26 12:50:43 +0200

Prakaash T gravatar image

Friends, I Followed Instructions from ( https://together.jolla.com/question/22079/howto-all-computer-users-recover-or-reset-a-device-that-is-stuck-in-boot-loop/ ) & (http://developer.toradex.com/knowledge-base/how-to-install-microsoft-rndis-driver-for-windows-7) Reseted my device to factory default by J0lla recovery tool. Installed WP(ver. 2.11.526) & Telegram, both working fine on my device

Thanks Friends

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answered 2015-02-24 12:32:02 +0200

Victorious gravatar image

Everything that you have listed in my works perfectly! Look at the problem.

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At first my whats app was working and it couldn't sync with my contacts and i couldnt change my profile pic too. i uninstalled and installed back. then i got the above mentioned error

Prakaash T ( 2015-02-24 12:42:54 +0200 )edit

About the contacts issue, I believe it's the same thing as in Viber. WhatsApp/Viber will only sync with sim-card contacts, it cannot see your Google/FB/Jolla contacts.

raketti ( 2015-02-24 12:53:02 +0200 )edit

Friends everything works correctly, you must restart the android, or restart your phone. @raketti WhatsApp/Viber will only sync with sim-card contacts - No, contact is well synchronized with the phone

Victorious ( 2015-02-24 13:24:36 +0200 )edit

I can confirm Telegram and WP are working well with Vaarainjarvi even if i've had to wait a couple of minutes first time i've opened WP. But after those few minutes anything working good

gordon_pcb_designer ( 2015-02-24 13:51:45 +0200 )edit

@Victorious - I removed all contacts from my phone and disabled the sim-contacts. It seems something has changed, I have had no luck earlier to get Viber to see my contacts if I hadn't imported them to sim card first. But good to see it's fixed. :)

raketti ( 2015-02-24 14:20:53 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-02-24 12:26:28 +0200

Seen: 1,448 times

Last updated: Feb 26 '15