[Feature request] Support for more locations in weather app
The new Jolla Weather app does currently only support the Foreca weather service and therefore many minor cities in my area like Hyllinge, Karrebæk and Karrebæksminde is not available.
With other weather service providers like yr.no, dmi.dk, Yahoo Weather and weather.com these cities are easily found, so I suggest you either make Foreca improve their database or make it possible to choose between different weather services.
02/05/2017 - Still no improvement and this question is 2 yrs old.
Also the UK Met Office provide forecasts for a large number of places, too. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/datapoint
Might be UK only, but it would be nice to have the facility to add them if you have a registration.
skanky ( 2015-02-27 11:18:47 +0200 )editIt would be really nice to get more detailed locations, for example the weather in Helsinki varies a great deal depending on your location
fstrahlm ( 2015-03-03 00:05:49 +0200 )editStill waiting for this to happen. The OP is 2 years old and my nearest weather location is set to 3 miles away and as we all know, it can be sunny one side of the road and raining the other, so 3 miles away is of little use to anyone. Disappointing springs to mind.
Spam Hunter ( 2017-05-02 22:36:28 +0200 )editHmmm. My experience is as following: Most weather-services and apps are overing more locations to choose, but in practice often they use just the same "weather station from the area". So it often is more like a convenience thing.
hoschi ( 2017-05-03 12:12:43 +0200 )editIt would be a good addition if they add the GPS location as a default location to the app. This way it shows the weather forecast where you are without the nerd to add or change the location all the time. All competitor OS-es have this standard.
JSEHV ( 2018-11-19 23:12:51 +0200 )edit