Please allow sms links with no recipient

asked 2015-03-01 17:52:10 +0300

The Jolla Messages application currently handles sms links, but only if it includes the recipient, i.e. sms:123456789?body=XXX works, but sms:?body=XXX doesn't. (You can test this with for example xdg-open at a terminal.)

Please consider adding this functionality. It would allow application authors to preformat SMS messages by calling Qt.openUrlExternally("sms:...") leaving the user to just select the recipient and hit send. This could be used to e.g. share links from a web browser or one's position from a map application.

Starting a new message from the pulldown menu of the Messages application already provides the appropriate screen that has both the recipient and body fields, it would just need to be used for sms links lacking the recipient.

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