automatically delete notifications from events menu if opened from the app
The notifications still exist in the events menu even if I've already seen them. It would be nice if they were removed automatically, i.e. when the app in question is opened
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The notifications still exist in the events menu even if I've already seen them. It would be nice if they were removed automatically, i.e. when the app in question is opened
The notification actually is cleared from the list, but first after effectively opening the respective message.
This might come in handy if one receives a few per day only, but will get quite inconvenient at increasing amounts already, I agree.
So I think there should be an option to delete the notification group, after having opened the referring app.
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Asked: 2015-03-02 21:17:18 +0200
Seen: 224 times
Last updated: Nov 06 '16
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Which notifications? Missed call or sms are already removed automatically when you open the app...
Sthocs ( 2015-03-02 22:07:31 +0200 )editI don't support your suggestion of removing, If seen the notification. But to remove it, if I open the app (like phone or sms-app) would be great!
Daniel ( 2015-03-02 22:09:16 +0200 )editEverything: whatsapp, emails, calls, news, fb messages and so on. The stream of notifications is massive, and not helpful since I've seen most of them already.
Daniel, maybe I was unclear, but I meant that if the app was opened(i.e. FB) the notifications would be removed.
fstrahlm ( 2015-03-02 23:40:45 +0200 )edit@fstrahlm - Notifications should be removed once the apps are open, i.e foreground, if minimized in multitasking view they wont be removed, if that's not the case you have some issue we don't know about.
VDVsx ( 2015-03-03 09:57:21 +0200 )edit