Ambience in background in Sailfish 2.0

asked 2015-03-03 21:15:15 +0200

Vinyl gravatar image

As seen on a number of video's out there which feature Sailfish OS 2.0 on either the Tablet or the Phone, Ambiences no longer show in the background of apps. It is just a simple black background instead of a slightly dimmed version of the Ambience. Please at least let us choose to do so.

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This is something that cought my eye as well. I really hope that the App screen background will be slightly transparent as it is now. The plain black is really dull and boring and ugly and... Well, I don't like it! :D

raketti ( 2015-03-03 21:25:36 +0200 )edit

And it is so "like" Android or Apple. I also hate that there is no more swipe to close from top

NuklearFart ( 2015-03-03 21:45:17 +0200 )edit

Luckily for now it's only in the early stages, so we can't tell for sure how the final product will look like, and until I get my hands on it, or see someone using a retail version - I won't judge too harshly. :)

raketti ( 2015-03-03 21:50:44 +0200 )edit

I would prefer to grab such problems head on though. Instead of waiting for it to be released. I imagine it would be much easier to revert changes to the OS itself before 2.0.

Vinyl ( 2015-03-09 17:29:23 +0200 )edit

@Vinyl - I agree on that, we should raise questions and talk about the concerns that raise of the SFOS 2.0. However, I'm not sure how much Jolla is willing to go back on the design, they've done a lot of work to make the UI what it is (supposed to be) in the 2.0 release. What I do hope, is that while the UI/UX (place your own acronym here) changes quite drastically there would still be the old options. I don't see a point in removing already implemented functions and not offering them with the new ones. After all - Jolla makes it for us - we make it ours by choosing what we want (and sometimes ranting (ir)rationally to them that they've done somethign we as users do not like). :)

raketti ( 2015-03-09 17:44:58 +0200 )edit